Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

current events #4

who:Owls Head Water Pollution Control Plant
what:waste water and sewage came into the good Water
were:owls head park
when:late October at midnight
why: pipes came to lose and let out waste water and sewage.
info from:http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/23/us/23sewer.html?_r=1

Damon Winter/The New York Times

Saturday, November 21, 2009

genes dna and chromosomes

It all starts with the human body then it goes to the cell witch leads on to the chromosome and then the genes and last but not least your DNA.each chromosome is made up of specific parts called genes.Each gene contains the genetic information for a specific trait.Each gene is made up of DNA.Inside the nucleus are structures that contain genetic materials witch are chromosomes. Replication is part of DNA watch means when the genetic information is copied. Heredity is when specific traits or genetic information is pass from parents to the kid.traits is the specific charecteristics of a cell.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

current events #3

who: Vada Vasquez
what: she got shot as a bystander in the middle f a shoot out
were: she got shot in the Bronx
this happened on Tuesday night
why:she was shot by a bullet intended for someone else

well one day there was a girl named vada Vasquez and she got shot bye a bullet intended for someone else and it passed really close to her brain. she is really critical.

info from:http://assets.nydailynews.com/img/2009/11/17/amd_shooting_vada_vasquez.jpg

(photo by:http://assets.nydailynews.com/img/2009/11/17/amd_shooting_vada_vasquez.jpg

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

current events #2

oliver Toledo 804
social studies 10/2/o9

who:naked mole rats
what:can help human health or aid human health
were:were naked mole rats territory are
when:all the life of the naked mole rats
why:they have a longer life span then other animals
I chose this article because it is so cool and i wanted to learn more about the benifits and the life of the naked mole rat and how they aid the lifespan of our race.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

currrent events

oliver toledo 804
social studies 10/28/09

who:fiftythree united states trops
what:the troops died
were:this happend in afghanistan
when:october 27 2009
why:this happend cause the troops on the other side of thwar killed them.
I chose this articale because i found it really interesting and i wanted to know what happend in the war so far and i also learned that most of the deaths were involed in two helicopter crashes and killed seven people on the way down the crash landing.